

The Kenya National Climate Change Response Strategy (2009) identified the need to train
skilled personnel in Climate Change Science for sustainable national development. The
Master of Science programme in Climate Change is designed to provide students, having a
first degree in various fields, with advanced theoretical and practical knowledge in Climate
Change Science. The programme is uniquely broad in its coverage and reflects the range of
knowledge and skills required to address the challenges of climate change and sustainable
development. The programme meets the needs of graduates seeking a career in the
climate change and climate risk management and also enables professionals to extend their
knowledge or to change their career. It also provides depth in key areas, drawing upon the
internationally recognized teaching, research and consultancy expertise of the multi-
disciplinary team of lecturers drawn from many disciplines from within the university, plus
visiting lecturers from industry. The programme resides in the thematic area of Climate Change
in the Unit of Meteorology.


The Kenya Vision 2030, the country’s development blueprint covering the period 2008 to 2030,
aims to transform Kenya into a newly industrialised, “middle-income country providing a high
quality life to all its citizens by the year 2030”. Several “flagship” projects have been identified
and are being implemented and are expected to take the lead in generating rapid and widely-
shared growth. Climate change has been recognised as a developmental issue which may impede
the gains expected from some of the proposed flagship projects in the Vision 2030. For instance,
the flagship environment project, namely the Water Catchment Management Initiative, calls for
rehabilitating of the five water towers (i.e. Mau Escarpment, Mt. Kenya, Aberdares Range,
Cherangani Hills and Mt. Elgon). Sustainable rehabilitation of these towers requires skills in
climate change science.

The Kenya National Climate Change Response Strategy (2009) identified the need to train
skilled personnel in Climate Change Science for sustainable national development. The Master
of Science programme in climate change is uniquely broad in its coverage. It is designed so to
tackle the range of knowledge and skills required to address the challenges of climate change and
sustainable development. It also provides depth in key areas, drawing upon the internationally
recognized teaching, research and consultancy expertise of the multi-disciplinary team of
lecturers drawn from many disciplines from within the university, plus visiting lecturers from
Climate Change Science is growing rapidly due to the rapid technological developments. The
course structure and content will be constantly revised to align it with emerging knowledge,
technologies and demands. The Master of Science programme in Climate Change is designed to
provide students, having a first degree, with advanced theoretical and practical knowledge in
Climate Change Science. The programme meets the needs of graduates seeking a career in the
climate change and Climate risk management and also enables professionals to extend their
knowledge or to change career. This climate change programme will be guided by the need to
connect and inspire the Kenyan citizenry and international community to provide leadership and
stewardship and to give hope and faith to the Kenyan and international society that it can excel in
in the field of climate change with passion, moral responsibility and a strong sense of patriotism
in line with the University of Nairobi Philosophy.


Climate change has been recognized as a developmental issue which if not urgently addressed,
may impede the gains expected from some of the proposed flagship projects in the Vision 2030.
The Kenya National Climate Change Response Strategy (2009) identified the need to train
skilled personnel in Climate Change Science for sustainable national development. One of the
key components of this strategy is capacity building including research. The Master of Science
programme in Climate Change seeks to contribute to the national and global initiatives of
responding to climate change effects through capacity building in various components of climate
change science including change hazards, vulnerability and risk assessment; mitigation; and
adaptation. This programme is unique in its coverage and is designed to cover a wide range of

knowledge and skills required to address the challenges of regional and global climate change
and sustainable development. The programme is designed to provide students with both
theoretical and practical knowledge in Climate Change Science.


The Master of Science in Climate Change programme aims to equip students with knowledge and skills
in the science and practical applications in Climate Change science. It targets first degree holders
interested in pursuing Climate Change Science as a profession.


Face to face 

The programme is delivered through a variety of face-to-face methods such as tutorials, experiential field exercises, practical exercises, seminars, individual and/or group assignments and presentations.

Open, Distance Learning, and e-Learning (ODeL)

The ODeL mode of study is offered using multi-media approach, including a variety of self-instructional print and electronic study materials. In addition, there is limited face to face instructional mode during residential training. Face to face instruction shall not exceed one third (1/3) of the instructional time.


This mode combines the face to face leaning and online learning delivery methods. Currently due to Covid 19 containment measures, all programmes are offered online through various Learning Management Platforms approved by the University of Nairobi Senate.

The online mode of delivery consists of comprehensive coverage of the syllabus through lectures, assignments, quizzes, tutorials, practicals, seminars, workshops using the following online learning platforms:

eClass Click Here 

SOMAS, Click Here

Mtihani Click Here

Microsoft teams,

Google meet,


Big blue button 

the Student Management Information System (SMIS),

University of Nairobi Learning Management Systems..



Prof. F. J. Opija

Cellphone No. +254 721 531 908

Tel: 020-491-4132/020-491-4305



  • The course consists of course work, continuous assessment, written examination and a research project.
  • The continuous assessment shall comprise tests, assignments, practicals, field work and term papers.
  • The candidate shall be required to take at least sixteen (16) course units.
  • The research project is equivalent to four unit courses.
  • The course shall be covered in a minimum period of three semesters and a maximum of twelve (12) semesters each of fifteen (15) weeks.
  • Candidates shall be required to take at least three (3) course units and a maximum of six (6) course units in a semester.
  • Each unit shall be covered in 45 contact hours
  • The programme has five (5) specialisations

Course outline
Core courses
Code Title Hours
SCC 601 Climate Change Science 45
SCC 602 Climate Change hazards, vulnerability and risk assessment 45
SCC 603 Climate change adaptation and mitigation 45
SCC 604 Socio-political dimensions of climate change 45
SCC 605 Economics of Climate Change 45
SCC 606 Climate change and environmental sustainability 45
SCC 607 Climate change and geospatial modeling 45
SCC 608 Research methods and Techniques 45
SCC 609 Research project 180

Climate Change and Sustainable Development

Code Title Hours
SCC 610 Climate Change Agriculture, Livestock and Food security 45
SCC 611 Technology and innovation for climate change 45
SCC 612 Climate Change Costing 45
SCC 613 climate Change, Human health and wellbeing 45
SCC 614 Climate Change, Animal health and welfare 45
SCC 615 Energy resources and technologies 45
SCC 616 Climate change and Water Resources Management 45
SCC 617 Rapid climate change 45
SCC 618 Climate Change and Biodiversity 45
SCC 619 Climate Change and Coastal Zone Management 45

Climate Change modeling and Scenarios
SCC 620 Statistics and modelling for climate change science
SCC 621 Advanced Climate Change Science
SCC 622 Regional Climate modeling and Scenarios
SCC 623 Physics of Climate Models
SCC 624 Climate Change Modeling and Simulation

Human Dimensions of Climate Change
SCC 625 Socio economic dimensions of Climate Change adaptation and Mitigation
SCC 626 Gender and Climate Change
SCC 627 Advanced socio-economic benefit assessment of climate change
SCC 628 Environmental International Agreements
SCC 629 Communication of Climate Change

Disaster Risk Reduction
SCC 630 Disaster risk communication
SCC 631 Changes in climate extremes and their impacts on the ecosystem
SCC 632 Disaster risk assessment
SCC 633 Managing disaster risks from climate extremes
SCC 634 Projections on resilient and sustainable future

Urban Environment under Climate Change
SCC 635 Urban Hydrology
SCC 636 Urban Climatology
SCC 637 Urban Design, Infrastructure, Development and Climate Change
SCC 638 Urban Climate modeling
SCC 639 Urbanization and Climate Change



The common regulations governing Masters programmes in all faculties, institutes and
schools shall apply.
The following shall be eligible for admission:
A holder of first degree of the University of Nairobi (UoN) or an equivalent qualification from
any other institution recognised by the Senate of UoN. In addition, the candidate must have
any of the following qualifications:
a) At least Upper second class Honours degree.

b) Second class lower division with a working experience of at least two years in a relevant research/ operational institution,.
c) Pass degree with relevant professional qualifications.
d) Pass degree with a working experience of at least five years in a relevant research/ operational


Applicants who wish to transfer course work credits for similar courses taken in other
institutions may, on recommendation of the School Board and approval by Senate, be
allowed to transfer credits up to a maximum of one third of courses offered in the
programme. Applications for credit transfer will be made on payment of prescribed fees to
the Dean, School of Physical Sciences, giving details of the subjects for which credit
transfer/exemption is sought. The Department may administer an assessment test for each
course unit as appropriate.



Intake is done in the month of September every calendar year. For more information, please visit this link



Applicants will apply at the University of Nairobi online portal 

Applicant will be required to upload

  • A photocopy of their Bachelors certificate duly certified as a true copy of the original by the issuing institution.
  • A photocopy of their transcripts indicating annual performance also duly certified as true copies of the original.
  • latest copy of their CV.
  • KCSE certificate

The common regulations for the Masters degree in the University of Nairobi shall apply.

The following shall be eligible for the registration for the Masters degree

 i) Holder of at least an upper second class honours degree or equivalent in non-classified degrees from a recognized university

ii) A holder of lower second class with at least two years of relevant work experience after graduation

iii) Holder of a pass degree with at least three years of relevant work experience after graduation



Graduates of this programme will find employment in national government ministries, private sector enterprises, non-governmental organizations and the United Nations organizations. They will also be green business and technology entrepreneurs.

The department has structured the attachment opportunities in two ways

i) The Administration office circulates fellowship and scholarship opportunities for students regularly

ii) The Institute accepts interns to support the service delivery functions



  • Climate risk assessor
  • Climate Scenario modeller
  • Environmental assessor/expert
  • Disaster risk expert
  • Monitoring and evaluation expert
  • Climate Change adaptation/mitigation expert
Master of Science-Climate Change-16 units Semester 1 - 4UNITS Semester 2 - 4UNITS Semester 1 - 4UNITS Semester 2 - 4UNITS  
TUITION 174,000 174,000 174,000 174,000 696,000
EXAMINATION (PER UNIT @1000) 7,000 7,000 4,000 4,000 16,000
ICT SERVICES - (PER YEAR) 7,000 0 7,000 0 14,000
REGISTRATION (PER SEMESTER@2250) 2,250 2,250 2,250 2,250 9,000
ID CARD ( PER YEAR) 1,000 0 1,000 0 2,000
CAUTION - (ONCE) 5,000 0 0 0 5,000
MEDICAL FEE (PER YEAR) 6,500 0 6,500 0 13,000
LIBRARY (PER YEAR) 5,000 0 5,000 0 10,000
ACTIVITY-( PER YEAR) 2,000 0 2,000 0 4,000
STUDENT ORGANISATION(PER YEAR) 1,000 0 1,000   2,000
THESIS EXAMINATION 0 0   30,000 30,000
  210,750 183,250 202,750 210,250 801,000
Exam Regulations


7.1 Written examinations

7.1.1 A candidate shall not be allowed to sit any examination unless he or she has attended at least two
thirds of the total lecture hours.
7.1.1 Each unit shall be examined by a two hour written examination at the end of the semester during
which the course is offered.
7.1.2 The end of semester examination shall constitute 70% of the total marks in each course unit while
the continuous assessment shall constitute 30%. Continuous assessment shall comprise of
assignments, tests, term papers and practicals where applicable.
7.1.3 Pass mark for each course unit shall be 50%.

7.1.4 A candidate who fails in any unit may be allowed to sit for a supplementary examination for the
failed unit.
7.1.5 The maximum score for a supplementary examination shall be 50%.
7.1.6 A candidate who fails in the supplementary examination or has failed to complete the prescribed
courses within the prescribed time, shall be discontinued.

7.2 Research Project

7.2.1 The research project shall be assessed in accordance with the common regulations of the
university postgraduate studies.
7.2.2 Each candidate shall present, five weeks before the end of the semester of examination, a
report of an approved research project, in any one of the areas of specialisation in meteorology
for examination. The report shall be expected to demonstrate acquisition of the relevant
research skills and their effective application to an investigation of substance and significance
in meteorology. The report shall constitute 50% of the marks.
7.2.3 The candidate shall, in addition to 7.2.2 above, present the project report orally in form of a
seminar before a panel of examiners. The oral presentation shall constitute 50% of the marks.
7.2.4 The pass mark shall be 50%.

7.2.5 A candidate who fails to satisfy the examiners in the project shall be allowed up to two re-
submissions of the project report.

7.2.6 A candidate who fails in the third attempt, it being a re-submission of the project, or fails to
complete the programme within the prescribed period shall be discontinued.


The final Degree Award shall be Master of Science in Climate Change. The grades for the
course done shall appear in the transcript. The grading shall be as follows:
Class Marks %
A 70-100
B 60-69
C 50-59
Fail 0-49


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