We are happy to announce that the 7th edition of the Nairobi Innovation Week will take place on 17th - 19th May, 2023 at University of Nairobi's Main Campus Great Court and the Hyssop Parking.

We are inviting applications from the students, faculties, University of Nairobi alumni, local and international individuals and firms for showcasing and exhibiting their innovations during this great event.
In the previous edition of the Nairobi Innovation Week, the event attracted 2000+ attendees/delegates and 70+ exhibitors to the event.
This year's event will include innovation exhibitions, summits, Hackathon, music extravaganza, career fair for student’s, health talks, cash awards for innovators and support for commercialization for the best university led innovation (whether student or faculty).
The event also provides a great opportunity to meet potential innovation development partners and clients to both University of Nairobi community and external organizations innovators /exhibitors.
Kindly register in the appropriate category using the links below:
1. NIW 2023 Call for Internnal Innovation Exhibitors
2. NIW 2023 Call for External Innovators and Exhibitors
The call will close on 14th April 2023.