Petroleum Experts

The Department of Earth and Climate Sciences, University of Nairobi expresses its gratitude to Petroleum Experts for generously donating to the School 10 academic licenses of “Move 2020.1” Structural geology software worth £ 1,451,332.23 (one million four hundred and fifty one thousand three hundred and thirty two pounds sterling and twenty three cents) for academic, research and teaching purposes.




This will enable our graduate students and staff members to learn, interpret and enjoy using one of the most advanced software packages in Structural geology that is widely used in the Petroleum Industry and among Structural geologists.

The Move 2020.1 is a powerful software package that enables to perform a variety of structural geology tasks, including:

a) Cross section balancing and restoration;

b) Improved 2D and 3D model building and visualization of subsurface data.

c) Incorporation and interpretation of data collected during field mapping using mobile app – Field Move.

The latest Move 2020.1 version has the following modules: 2D Kinematic Modelling, 3D Kinematic Modelling, Geomechanical Modelling, Sediment Modelling, Fracture Modelling, Fault Response Modelling, Fault Analysis, Stress Analysis, Move Link Petrel, Move Link OpenWorks and Move Link GST.

It is an improved version that has new applications and can be used for:

 · Importation and integration of various data types: digital field data, digital elevation models, seismic data, well and borehole data, geological maps, etc.

· Quick generation of maps and cross-sections, and 3D models in fully geo-referenced space.

· Creation of 3D surfaces, shapes and volumes from a wide variety of data types.

· Photogrammetry support including the projection and draping of photographic outcrop images on an existing mesh, etc.

 This step has improved the quality of the postgraduate thesis preparations, presentations and research of those involved and provided exposure to the latest state-in-art computer techniques applied during structural geology and Petroleum system analyses.


Dr. Daniel D. Waga


Petroleum geosciences,

P.O. Box 30197, 00101

Department of Geology,

Chiromo Campus,

Nairobi, Kenya

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