Background:  Water ESSENCE -  creating synergy to meet the global challenges is a NORHED project funded by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD).  The aim of the program is to strengthen the capacity of higher education institutions in Low and Middle-Income Countries (LMIC) to educate more and better-qualified candidates and to increase the quality and quantity of research conducted by the countries' own researchers. The purpose of the WATER ESSENCE project is to co-develop, strengthen, and innovate the teaching and learning processes, enhancing the capacities and capabilities of the graduate water programs.  It will create mechanisms and solutions that continue well beyond the project life and strengthen partner universities’ contributions to the lifelong learning of water professionals.
The Partner institutions on this project include: In Norway: Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU); Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU); University of Bergen (UIB) and; In Africa Makerere University (Uganda), University of Nairobi (Kenya), Machakos University (Kenya), University of Juba (South Sudan), Addis Ababa University (Ethiopia), University of Rwanda, University of Ghana, and University of Development Studies(Ghana). 

The call
WATER ESSENCE is pleased to announce funding for 
a)    Three (3) months MSc./MA. study fellowships at any of our Partner universities in Africa. 
In water, society and climate change-related disciplines
Water Resources Management  Applied Hydrology and groundwater management Irrigation and water management GIS and remote sensing in water resources Water and Disaster management Water supply (engineering, technology, health, water quality) Wastewater treatment  Computer applications in water and Environmental engineering; Hydropolitics  Climate change impacts & adaptation.
Research funding will be provided to cover the costs of field research/tuition, as well as a modest stipend and travel to partner institutions as may be required.


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