The 6th Nile Basin Development Forum (NBDF) is underway. Next week we will be having the following webinars:
Tuesday 23rd March 2021; 1.45 pm – 4.00 pm (EAT) CC2: Climate services for infrastructure investments and the role of the NBI for preparing bankable climate resilient infrastructure projects for the sustainable use of the Nile water resources;
Wednesday 24th March 2021; 1.45 pm – 4.00 pm (EAT) CC3: Rainfall, drought, streamflow and flood forecasting over the Nile Basin.
Thursday 25th March 2021; 9.45 am to 12.00 pm (EAT). CC4: Drought monitoring and forecasting over the Nile Basin
Thursday 25th March 2021; 1.45 pm to 4.00 pm (EAT). WQ2: Sustainable watershed management: best practices and case studies from the Nile Basin.
You are welcome to join any or all of the above webinars. To join simply click here This link works for all the webinars.
Looking forward to your participation in the webinars.
Best Regards
Juliet Nakasagga,
Knowledge Management Officer
Nile Basin Initiative Secretariat
Plot 12, Mpigi Road │Box 192, Entebbe │ Tel: +256 417 705 000/+256 417 705 120