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PHD CALL - UoN PHD PROGRAMME IN CLIMATE CHANGE AND ADAPTATION | The Department of Earth and Climate Sciences wishes to put out a PhD Call - UoN PhD Programme in Climate Change and Adaptation funded by Danida ENHANCE. The project title "Climate influence on zoonoses at human-livestock-wildlife interfaces in the transboundary region between Kenya and Tanzania (ENHANCE) ".
Interested candidates are encouraged to apply.
The Call opens from today February 5, 2025 and closes on February 28, 2025.
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HYDROGEOLOGY PHD CANDIDATES (TWO IN TOTAL) – DEPARTMENT OF EARTH AND CLIMATE SCIENCES, UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI | The University of Nairobi, in partnership with the IHE-Delft as the project lead, and other collaborators (Kenya Water Institute – KEWI; Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute – KMFRI), is implementing a project entitled “GroundWater SuStainable and Equitable development uNder Constraints of Ecosystem conservation and saltwater intrusion prevention in large deltas (abbreviated GWS-SENCE). The main aim of the project is to promote sustainable and equitable groundwater resources development through a trans- and interdisciplinary approach involving applied research, joint learning, dialogue and capacity strengthening. More broadly, the project is being carried out in three study areas that cover the different target regions of DUPC3, with different socioeconomic and hydroclimatic conditions: i) the Niger delta (Rivers State) with tropical monsoon climate, large urban areas and rural populations with poor access to water, ii) the hot desert Nile delta (Sharkia governorate), with farmers trying to cope with limited access to water, and iii) the tropical savannah Tana delta (Lamu area) with increasing water conflicts between communities and business developers. This project is funded under the collaborative program DUPC3 between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands and IHE Delft, and the University of Nairobi is the lead partner in Kenya. It also seeks to promote open and inclusive dialogue among and between water stakeholders to protect and optimise the use of groundwater resources and dependent ecosystems (and services) within a vulnerable context of growing water demand, rising sea levels and the prevalence of droughts. The project seeks to recruit two PhD students in (1) Hydrogeology and (2) Environmental Geoscience to carry out groundwater research in Lamu County, Kenya.
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TRAINING ON GEOTHERMAL TECHNOLOGY WORKSHOP | JKUAT in collaboration with University of Nairobi, Kyushu University Japan, KenGen, GDC and JICA has organized a five-day training workshop on Geothermal Technologies. |
64th Graduation Ceremony Announcement | 64th Graduation Ceremony Announcement The University of Nairobi wishes to inform all students from the Institute for Climate Change and Adaptation (ICCA) who qualifies for the award of various degrees at the end of last academic year (2020/2021) and members of the public, that the upcoming 64th Graduation Ceremony will be held on September and December respectively commencing at 8.00 a.m. at the Great Court. The following is pertinent information: CLEARANCE OF FEES AND ORDER OF NAMES: Only those who will have completed paying the fees due to the University will be allowed to graduate. GRADUATION/CONVOCATION FEE Each grandaunt will be required to clear with the respective Department/Faculty/Institute/School, Library, Halls of Residence, Games Department, Finance and College Registrar and pay a compulsory Graduation/Convocation fee of Kshs. 1,000. For further information, please contact: The Academic Registrar University of Nairobi P.O. Box 30197 – 00100, NAIROBI Tel: 020 491 3065 Email: reg-academic@uonbi.ac.ke
ICCA Office Tel: 020 491 4307/020 491 4305 Website: https://icca.uonbi.ac.ke Email: icca@uonbi.ac.ke |
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21st Gender Summit – Europe, from 14 to 16 April 2021 | The 21st Gender Summit will take place on-line on 14-16 April. It will mark the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Gender Summit platform. To celebrate, the Elsevier Foundation prepared a story of our journey so far, which maps important milestones the Gender Summit global community has achieved since the first Gender Summit event in November 2011. A 10th anniversary is a good opportunity to take stock and plan what needs to be done in the next 10 years. The GS21 programme shows that we are certainly in a better place now. The EU policy to advance gender dimension into research, and gender equality into R&I participation, has been strengthened in Horizon Europe and similar science policy innovations have been introduced by Member States, e.g., in Germany and Netherlands, as well as beyond Europe, for instance in Canada, USA, South Korea and Japan. But the GS21 programme also warns of the risks of re-emergence of gender stereotypes (magnified by the COVID-19 pandemic) and of interferences to hinder academic freedom (e.g., the ban on gender studies in Hungary). On behalf of the global Gender Summit Community, we thank you for your continued interest in advancing the Gender Summit mission to improve quality of research and innovation by applying knowledge of when, why, and how sex/gender factors impact on results and outcomes. Please encourage colleagues in your networks to subscribe to the Gender Summit Newsletter at https://www.gender-summit.com If you have any queries or comments about the Gender Summit Newsletter, please email the team |
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The 6th Nile Basin Development Forum (NBDF) Webinars. | The 6th Nile Basin Development Forum (NBDF) is underway. Next week we will be having the following webinars: Tuesday 23rd March 2021; 1.45 pm – 4.00 pm (EAT) CC2: Climate services for infrastructure investments and the role of the NBI for preparing bankable climate resilient infrastructure projects for the sustainable use of the Nile water resources; Wednesday 24th March 2021; 1.45 pm – 4.00 pm (EAT) CC3: Rainfall, drought, streamflow and flood forecasting over the Nile Basin. Thursday 25th March 2021; 9.45 am to 12.00 pm (EAT). CC4: Drought monitoring and forecasting over the Nile Basin Thursday 25th March 2021; 1.45 pm to 4.00 pm (EAT). WQ2: Sustainable watershed management: best practices and case studies from the Nile Basin. You are welcome to join any or all of the above webinars. To join simply click here https://zoom.us/j/98882909742?pwd=bzFablVnMWY5RGdWSFB6d2ZOU0NBUT09. This link works for all the webinars. Looking forward to your participation in the webinars. Best Regards Juliet Nakasagga, Knowledge Management Officer Nile Basin Initiative Secretariat Plot 12, Mpigi Road │Box 192, Entebbe │ Tel: +256 417 705 000/+256 417 705 120
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2020/2021 GNSF PH.D. SCHOLARSHIP AWARD | The Board of Trustees of the Gandhi Smarak Nidhi Fund (GSNF) has approved the award of three (3) Ph.D. scholarships to 3 female students tenable at the University of Nairobi. (see attached advert)
DCP Training Programme, 19th June 2019 | Dear ICCA Ph.D. Students, The Development Corridors Project (DCP) in which Prof. Dan Olago is a co-Principal Investigator has been carrying out an online training programme and intends to open it up to a maximum of TEN (10) Ph.D. students only from the ICCA. Do let Purity and Prof Olago know (cc.dolago@uonbi.ac.e) if you would like to join in for these sessions. If interested, let us know by 10 AM on Monday 15th June at the latest, though the principle will be first come, first served. The early bird catches the worm. Session 6 (19th June): Do you really understand Environmental Impact Assessments? How is a Strategic Environmental Assessment different from an EIA? You can join this session to find out (Swenja and Jon) We have a short blog post about some insights from the session (for World Environment Day), which can be found on this link: https://developmentcorridors.org/2020/06/05/tooling-up-to-act-for-nature/, and you can share the post through your own networks, where appropriate
International Universities Climate Alliance | CLIMATE RESEARCH UNIVERSITIES UNITE TO ACCELERATE ACTION 2nd April 2020: An International Universities Climate Alliance (‘Climate Alliance’) has been established to help communicate research insights on the most effective means to meet the unprecedented global challenge of climate change. UNSW Sydney is facilitating the establishment of the Climate Alliance in its first year and has invited 40 of the world’s leading climate research universities to join the Alliance to date. Alliance members are to work together to identify the most effective ways to communicate research-based facts related to climate change to the public. Members will engage in work across climate change science, impact, mitigation strategies and adaptation. Membership comprises a global network of universities, united by their dedication to producing critical climate research. The Climate Alliance benefits from a multi-disciplinary research focus around the most important research themes to enable greater engagement with policymakers, educators and business leaders looking to apply the latest research findings to accelerate climate action. UNSW Sydney’s President and Vice Chancellor, Professor Ian Jacobs initiated the creation of the Climate Alliance because of the vital role universities play in advancing the science and solutions in this field, saying “This new Alliance will be at the forefront of the international conversation around addressing climate change.” Notwithstanding current urgencies around the coronavirus pandemic, the members decided not to delay formation of the Alliance due to the pressing and ongoing need to accelerate climate action. Professor Matthew England, academic lead of the UNSW Climate Change Grand Challenge, hopes this alliance will encourage a new era in engagement between researchers and the public; “Worldwide interest to act on climate change is strong but the pace of action has been far too slow. The Alliance aims to accelerate the global response by being a leading voice for scientifically based mitigation and adaptation strategies.” More information about the Climate Alliance can be found on www.universitiesforclimate.org
Climate Alliance Member Universities:
Arizona State University Sorbonne University University of Leeds California Institute of Technology TERI School of Advanced Studies University of Manchester China University of Geosciences Texas A&M University University of Melbourne Cornell University University of São Paulo University of Nairobi Delft University of Technology University of Bern University of NSW Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne University of Bremen University of Reading King’s College London University of Bristol University of Southampton McGill University University of East Anglia University of Tasmania Monash University University of Edinburgh University of the South Pacific Nanjing University University of Exeter University of Waikato National University of Singapore University of Ghana University of Washington New York University University of Helsinki Utrecht University Oregon State University University of Hong Kong Penn State University University of Illinois
ICCA EXAMINATION DATE | ATTENTION Ph.D. and MCCA CLASS for 2019. End of semester examination will begin on 13th to 24th January 2020 Please note that ICCA 608 and ICCA 704 are conducted during the day from 9 am and not from 5.30-8.30pm.